Thứ Năm, 6 tháng 10, 2011

Angry Gods

Guess what?!

A repair guy from Vietnam has traded a toy for a computer using an Internet Trading website.
Mr. Terry posted the picture of the toy on the website and was offered a little shampoo in return. An artist then gave him a calculator in return for the toy.
The toy was swapped for a calculator which turned into a bomb. This was swapped for a computer which in turn was traded for an octopus.
However, the army of fans who were now following Terry’s progress on the website became worried when Terry swapped it for a calculator. A comment on the website read “Terry, What were you thinking? I think this is the worst thing you have ever done!”
But they should not have worried. A Hollywood director who collects calculators wanted so much that he offered a free technician!!
Terry bought a notorious fossil and lived happily ever after.